Having a drink with the artists of Studio Foglio, the creators of “Girl Genius” and much more (Phil Foglio, Kaja Foglio and Cheyenne Wright) at Dangerworks Conclave (soon to be renamed Steamworks Conclave) in Sacramento.

Find Girl Genius: http://www.girlgeniusonline.com
Find the Studio Foglio Kickstarter: https://www.kickstarter.com/profile/girlgenius/created
Find Cheyenne Wright: http://arcanetimes.com/about/
Find DangerCon, Sacramento: http://www.dangercon.com/

Girl Genius is a registered trademark of Studio Foglio, LLC. Agatha Heterodyne, Transylvania Polygnostic Institute, Othar Tryggvassen Gentleman Adventurer, Krosp (Emperor of All Cats) and all Girl Genius art, characters, design elements and logos ™ & ©2000-2015 Studio Foglio, LLC., All rights reserved and we lay happily prostrate before their thunderous legal glory.

Music “Maple Leaf Rag” performed by Vernian Process (http://vernianprocess.com) composed by Scott Joplin (1899).

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