Igor - Strongest Man in the World

Igor of the the Aether Brigade

Name: Sergeant Igor Krovonsky, Strongest Man in the World!

Role in the Brigade: Sergeant-at-arms, mechanical technician, “the muscle”, wrestler of the time stream, test subject for Neb

Before the Brigade: Igor struggled as a dock worker and sailor as a young man. Struggling might be generous: he was weaker than anyone his size. One day, he was made an offer by Nebuchadnezzar Black to test his potency serum… the rest is relative history!

Favoured weapons: Brute strength, the extend-o-mallet, large spanners, using his head… as a blunt object.

Vices: Igor likes the ladies, he’s just not very good at talking to them. Also, potency serum.

Interesting fact: Igor Krovonsky has been reconstituted several times throughout his time in the Brigade. He has lost multiple sets of eyes, too many fingers to count, his right foot and his left ear. Fortunately, thanks to the miracles of morally bankrupt science, Neb continues to keep Igor up and fighting.

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