Name: Doctor Nebuchadnezzar “Neb” Black, Ensign of the Aether Brigade
Role in the Brigade: Alchemist & Clockmaker
Before the Brigade: Neb’s childhood was beset with tragedy; he was orphaned and raised by his Uncle whom he watched die a slow painful death from tuberculosis. His only family is now his nephew (left him by his brother when he died from syphilis) whom he rarely sees. Vowing never to succumb to the whims of Fate, Neb has become an expert in longevity and has long sought immortality. He joined the Witchfinder Army in order to gain access to more rare ingredients. His work with aether-touched metals got him assigned to the Aether Brigade.
Favoured weapons: Serums, potions and clockwork automata. Also his stinging wit.
Vices: Smoking the hookah, feeling superior and being obsessed with longevity.
Interesting fact: While serving in Morocco with the Witchfinder Army, he gained a love for the hookah, as well as his penchant for donning a fez.