
Herein are some collected works of the brigadiers:

A Love Song (about Explosives), by Toppy (Really by Gwynn Tavares)

The League of Proper Villains vs. The Aether Brigade, Opening Argument, Nova Albion Steampunk Exhibition 2013, by Penelope Dreadfulle

“Libelized” Aether Brigade Trifold Pamphlet, signed by Dr. Zoo

The Spatial and Temporal Airship of Colonel James Von Siegfried, by Jim Ridgway

The Thrilling Adventures of Jack and Giles©, by James M Thomas

- The Thrilling Adventures of Jack and Giles is presented here in association with Penny Awful Press.

The Year is 1901, Queen Victoria has died and been succeeded by her son King Edward VII. Giles duLapel, once an investigator for Pinkerton’s International Detective Agency, has become a successful private detective with the help of his avant-garde associate, Jaclyn (Jack) Elster. This isn’t the conventional Late Victorian world of our history, but an alternate world of great science and even greater airships; a counterfactual history where thorium transmuters give vast amounts of power in a Victorian age of steam. It is here that Jack and Giles solve all sorts of technological skullduggery and nefarious legerdemain. Jack with her mechanical aptitude and her streetwise information gathering, and Giles with his deductive reasoning and clear understanding of the human psyche untangle the toughest convoluted criminal plots. Together they are the unbeatable detective team in The Thrilling Adventures of Jack and Giles©.

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