SACRAMENTO - St. Valentine’s Day SpeakTEAsy

Will you be the Aether Brigade’s Valentine?

Octopus hugs?
A travesty!
Instead grab your date
And join us for tea!

Four members of the Aether Brigade will be protecting your romantic evening of tea, biscuits and mechanical parrots! Join Captain Lucky, Toppy, Lieutenant O’Connell and Cabin Boy Silent Tom at the Nautilus Tea Company for a funny Valentine.

Call (916) 542-1832 for more information…
Or go to the Eventbrite page and secure your reservation right now!

Nautilus Tea Company invites you for Valentine’s Day!

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Captain Lucky Peddycord (AKA Corey Holden) is the director and founder of the Aether Brigade. Corey brings his gregarious nature, unusual breadth of life experience and off-brand of humor to the table. Once an international circus performer and professional project manager, Corey's wide-ranging skill set has helped to make the Aether Brigade successful.

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