Name: Sir William Thomas Hackney III, or “Silent Tom”
Role in the Brigade: Cabin boy, but really he tirelessly keeps the entire Brigade on track.
Before the Brigade: Silent Tom comes from a line of accomplished gentlemen adventurers and claims to have six PhDs and a knighthood. Naturally, no one in the Brigade believes this since he is only the Cabin Boy.
Favoured weapons: The Spanish rapier and his singular intelligence.
Vices: Tom is chock full of virtue, but when he is feeling down trodden by the crew’s jeering, a stiff brandy does him some good.
Interesting fact: Tom’s unfortunate nickname comes from Lucky’s frequent assertions to “Be silent, Tom!” Despite this, Lucky frequently calls on Silent Tom to do the thinking.
The drawing is so damn good…… really captures Tom. His silence, his intelligence, his ability to multi-task.