Silent Tom - Cabin Boy

Silent Tom of the aether Brigade!
Name: Sir William Thomas Hackney III, or “Silent Tom”

Role in the Brigade: Cabin boy, but really he tirelessly keeps the entire Brigade on track.

Spencer Stecko as Silent Tom of the Aether Brigade!Before the Brigade: Silent Tom comes from a line of accomplished gentlemen adventurers and claims to have six PhDs and a knighthood. Naturally, no one in the Brigade believes this since he is only the Cabin Boy.

Favoured weapons: The Spanish rapier and his singular intelligence.

Vices: Tom is chock full of virtue, but when he is feeling down trodden by the crew’s jeering, a stiff brandy does him some good.

Interesting fact: Tom’s unfortunate nickname comes from Lucky’s frequent assertions to “Be silent, Tom!” Despite this, Lucky frequently calls on Silent Tom to do the thinking.

One comment on “Silent Tom - Cabin Boy
  1. april says:

    The drawing is so damn good…… really captures Tom. His silence, his intelligence, his ability to multi-task.

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